
Sumiko Sakamoto's artworks website

Sentimental Collage

About this artwork

A Thousand Years of Solitude
Oil, Acrylics
64 x 51 in.
USD9090.91 / EUR7692.3

There was a legend ruins hidden deep within the forests of Cambodia, ruins that had been left, forgotten to the ravages of decay and solitude. As I thought of this sad fate, I imagined that the moon had been watching over these haunted places for all those long, lonely years and had, perhaps, come to pity the souls trapped within their former abodes. The moon, mercifully, cast its light down upon them and freed them, allowing them to ascend to the heavens in the form of butterflies. As I grow older, I often find myself dwelling on the loneliness that stalks us when our connections to society begin to thin and fade, and I wonder, in those moments, if I would have the strength to endure being truly alone.


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// 2023/07/22 右クリック抑止 by yuki